mandag 24. august 2009

Please Put Your Ghostly Tounge in my Mouth and Move it all Around

The title of this post has little to with what i am going to talk about, but hey, at least I'm not from Molde.

So guys and girls,

I am lazy. Incredibly so. The type that would rather use 30x more effort and time than just doing something i try to avoid. The result is a weird vicious cycle of regret and procrastination.

This is great cause im in the IB where we write 3000 word essays in a week with heaps of other homework.


I like complaining. not like it isn't obvious but I thought that I might mention so that you understand that i am aware of it and im not just a cry baby. Even though, I actually am. :c

Too lazy; didn't read: B'AAAAAAAAW

tirsdag 11. august 2009

Walrus Barbeque Seventeen

Hi. I'm sitting in my room on my bed and i decided to just type whatever comes into my head because my mind is racing right now and i've had way too much caffeine and normally i would hate someone who would call themselves hyper but right now im bouncing off the walls and im obsessed with large snakes eating people so ive drawn it multiple times in my "sketchbook" even though i cant draw. Dear god this is weird. Im shaking and my legs won't stand still. Skill. kill. Thrill. Mill.

rhyme, time, mime.

So me and Markus decided that the best indie rock band name possible must be Mutual Pancake Touching because it is three random words and indie folks like that stuff.

Ok Question tiem: Am I am Elitist?

Answer: I'm not sure. Is it possible to know if you are a snooty bastard if you are one. I hope im not am asshole to everybody but sometimes i dont know. I do tend to look down of some people. sheeple. Steeple. feeble. peon. farmer. Orc. Farmer. jasson statham is really bald.

Jason Statham is fantastic you know. I mean he is big build and beats people up while undressing. can you do that ? i cant but i wish i could. It would be an interesting skill like knowing how to draw. I wish i could draw. :( i cant because whenever i try i always give up and draw cartoon faces. I guess cartoons count as drawings but they aren't arty. Even though i may be half of the arty elitist couple im not that arty. Sure i watch asian films about metal men who have gay embryo sex but yeah.

So pirating movies. What is your feelings on that Ray? Well ray let me answer that question.
I dont know snow go boe low mow tow.

I feel bad because i dont like coffee goth omg RANDUM but ifeel this blog post is kinda OMGRANDUMLOL.

I am ashamed but i shouldn't be becasue im wearing blue show do moo doo lou crew sue through.



i apologize for this

ps. Guess what im not a robot.